Special Needs Education Strategies: Enhancing Education for Children

Children with special needs require unique educational strategies in order to enhance their learning experience and maximize their potential. These strategies are designed to address the specific challenges faced by children with disabilities, allowing them to access education on an equal footing with their peers. For instance, consider a hypothetical case study of a child named Emily who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Emily struggles with social interaction and communication, making it difficult for her to engage effectively in a traditional classroom setting. However, by implementing specialized strategies tailored to her individual needs, educators can create an inclusive environment that supports her development and fosters her academic growth.

Special needs education strategies encompass a wide range of approaches aimed at meeting the diverse requirements of children with disabilities. These strategies incorporate various instructional methods, assistive technologies, and accommodations that enable students with special needs to participate fully in the educational process. By employing differentiated instruction techniques, teachers can adapt lesson plans and teaching styles to suit each student’s learning style and pace. This ensures that students receive personalized attention and support while also promoting independent thinking skills and self-advocacy.

Moreover, assistive technologies play a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for children with special needs. These technologies include tools such as text-to-speech software, speech recognition programs , augmentative and alternative communication devices, visual supports, and specialized learning apps. These technologies help facilitate communication, improve access to information, and enable students to demonstrate their knowledge in different ways. For example, a child with limited verbal abilities can use a speech-generating device or picture exchange communication system to express their thoughts and participate actively in classroom discussions.

Accommodations are another critical component of special needs education strategies. These accommodations involve modifications to the learning environment or instructional materials that level the playing field for students with disabilities. Examples of accommodations include providing additional time for assignments or tests, offering preferential seating arrangements, using multisensory teaching techniques, and breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps. Accommodations ensure that students with special needs have equitable opportunities to learn and succeed without being hindered by their disabilities.

In Emily’s case, teachers could implement various strategies tailored to her specific needs as a child with ASD. For instance, they might create a structured daily routine and provide visual schedules to help her understand expectations and transitions between activities. Teachers could also incorporate social stories or social skills training sessions to support Emily’s social interaction and communication skills development. Additionally, they might provide sensory breaks or designated quiet spaces where Emily can take breaks if she becomes overwhelmed.

It is important for educators working with children with special needs to collaborate closely with parents/guardians, specialists (such as speech therapists or occupational therapists), and other professionals involved in the child’s care. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that strategies are consistent across all settings and maximizes the impact on the child’s overall development.

Overall, special needs education strategies aim to create inclusive environments where children with disabilities can thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. By recognizing each child’s unique strengths and challenges and tailoring instruction accordingly, these strategies empower students with special needs to reach their full potential.

Understanding the unique needs of each student

Understanding the Unique Needs of Each Student

In special needs education, it is vital to recognize and comprehend the unique needs of every student. By doing so, educators can create a learning environment that supports their individual strengths and challenges. For instance, let’s consider the case of Emily, a 10-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Emily has difficulty with social interactions and sensory sensitivities. Understanding her specific needs enables teachers to tailor their instructional strategies accordingly.

To effectively cater to diverse learners in special education settings, several key factors must be considered:

  1. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): IEPs are personalized plans developed for students receiving special education services. These plans outline academic goals, accommodations, modifications, and related services required by each student. By creating an IEP for every child, educators ensure that instruction adapts to meet their particular needs.

  2. Differentiated Instruction: Inclusive classrooms require teachers to employ various teaching methods and materials tailored to address different learning styles. Whether through visual aids or hands-on activities, differentiated instruction allows students with varying abilities to access curriculum content more effectively.

  3. Assistive Technology: The use of assistive technology plays a crucial role in supporting students with disabilities. Technological tools such as text-to-speech software or communication apps enable these children to engage actively in classroom activities and enhance their overall educational experience.

  4. Collaboration between professionals: Effective collaboration among teachers, therapists, parents/guardians, and other specialists is essential in meeting the unique requirements of each student. Open lines of communication facilitate sharing valuable insights into a child’s progress and help develop comprehensive support systems.

By understanding the distinctive needs of each student like Emily mentioned earlier – which may include difficulties with social interaction or sensory issues – educators can implement appropriate strategies that promote inclusion and maximize learning outcomes for all students.

Moving forward into the next section on “Setting clear and measurable goals,” we will explore how defining objectives that are specific and measurable can further enhance the effectiveness of special needs education.

Setting clear and measurable goals

Understanding the unique needs of each student lays the foundation for effective special needs education. By recognizing and addressing these individual requirements, educators can create tailored strategies that enhance learning outcomes for children with diverse abilities. One example is Sarah, a 10-year-old girl diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Sarah struggles with social interactions and exhibits repetitive behaviors. Understanding her specific challenges allows educators to design interventions that promote her growth in these areas.

To ensure successful implementation of special needs education strategies, it is essential to set clear and measurable goals. These objectives provide a roadmap for both educators and students, enabling them to track progress and celebrate achievements along the way. When establishing goals, it is crucial to consider various aspects such as academic performance, social development, communication skills, and behavioral improvements. A well-defined goal might be developing Sarah’s ability to initiate conversations independently at least three times during structured activities within six months.

Effective special needs education relies on evidence-based practices that have been proven successful in improving outcomes for students with diverse abilities. Some strategies commonly employed include:

  • Differentiated instruction: Adapting teaching methods and materials based on individual learners’ strengths, weaknesses, interests, and learning styles.
  • Assistive technology: Utilizing tools such as voice-to-text software or text-to-speech devices to support students with communication difficulties or mobility impairments.
  • Visual supports: Incorporating visual aids like charts, schedules, or cue cards to enhance comprehension and organization skills.
  • Collaborative partnerships: Encouraging collaboration between teachers, parents/guardians, therapists, and other professionals involved in the child’s care to foster a holistic approach towards their education.

By utilizing these evidence-based strategies alongside personalized interventions tailored specifically to meet each student’s unique needs – just as we did for Sarah – special needs educators can maximize educational opportunities while fostering independence and self-confidence among their students.

Regularly assessing progress plays an integral role in ensuring the effectiveness of special needs education strategies. This ongoing evaluation allows educators to adjust interventions, modify goals if necessary, and provide timely support when needed. By continuously monitoring progress and adapting instructional methods based on individual requirements, special needs education can truly empower students to reach their full potential.

Regularly assessing progress

Enhancing Education for Children: Regularly Assessing Progress

Following the establishment of clear and measurable goals, an essential component of special needs education strategies is regularly assessing progress. This ongoing evaluation allows educators to monitor students’ development, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to their educational plans. By implementing effective assessment practices, educators can provide tailored support that maximizes learning outcomes for children with special needs.


To illustrate the importance of regular progress assessments, consider a hypothetical case study involving Sarah, a 10-year-old student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). At the beginning of the school year, Sarah’s teachers set specific goals related to her communication skills and social interactions. Throughout the year, they consistently monitored her progress through various assessment methods such as observations, standardized tests, and checklists. These assessments provided valuable insights into Sarah’s strengths and weaknesses in different areas of her education.

Regular progress assessments serve several crucial purposes:

  • Identifying individualized learning needs.
  • Tracking developmental milestones.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching strategies.
  • Informing modifications to educational plans.
Assessment Methods Purpose
Observations Identify behavioral patterns and social interactions.
Standardized Tests Measure academic achievement relative to peers.
Checklists Track progress on specific skills or behaviors over time.
Portfolios Document evidence of growth across multiple domains.

Through regular assessment practices like those employed in Sarah’s case study, educators gain comprehensive knowledge about each student’s abilities and challenges. Armed with this information, they are better equipped to collaborate with parents and caregivers in creating holistic educational experiences that cater specifically to each child’s unique needs.

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Collaborating with parents and caregivers

Assessing progress is a crucial component of special needs education, as it allows educators to gauge the effectiveness of their strategies and make necessary adjustments. By regularly assessing the progress of children with special needs, educators can ensure that they are receiving appropriate support and interventions tailored to their individual requirements.

To illustrate this point, let’s consider an example: Sarah, a 10-year-old girl diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), has been attending a specialized school for the past year. Her teachers have implemented various educational strategies to enhance her learning experience. Regular assessments conducted throughout the academic year have provided valuable insights into Sarah’s development. These assessments have allowed her teachers to identify areas where she excels and areas where she may require additional support or modifications in teaching methods.

Regular assessment serves several purposes within special needs education:

  • It helps educators track students’ progress over time.
  • It enables them to identify strengths and weaknesses in different domains such as academics, social skills, and behavior.
  • Assessments provide data-driven evidence that informs instructional decisions and intervention planning.
  • They facilitate communication between educators, parents/caregivers, and other professionals involved in the child’s education.

In order to effectively assess progress, educators employ a variety of tools and techniques depending on the specific needs of each student. These may include formal standardized tests, informal observations, portfolios showcasing students’ work samples or projects completed over time, checklists focusing on specific skills or behaviors, and interviews with parents/caregivers about their perceptions of progress at home.

Through regular assessment practices like these, educators gain valuable information that guides their decision-making processes regarding curriculum adaptations, personalized instruction plans, or targeted interventions for children with special needs. This ensures that every child receives the best possible education suited to their unique abilities and challenges.

By regularly assessing progress and understanding students’ individualized needs through effective collaboration with parents and caregivers provides a solid foundation for Creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

Creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment

In order to further enhance special needs education, it is crucial for educators to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. By fostering an atmosphere that embraces diversity and encourages collaboration among students, teachers can ensure that all learners feel valued and have equal opportunities to thrive academically.

Creating such an environment begins with acknowledging the unique strengths and challenges of each student. For instance, let us consider the case of Sarah, a 10-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Despite facing difficulties in social interactions and communication, Sarah demonstrates exceptional artistic skills. By recognizing her talent and providing opportunities for her to express herself through art projects or performances, teachers can not only build her self-esteem but also encourage her peers to appreciate her abilities.

To establish a supportive and Inclusive classroom environment effectively, educators can implement various strategies:

  • Encouraging peer-to-peer support: Pairing students with different abilities fosters empathy, understanding, and mutual assistance among classmates.
  • Promoting inclusive language: Using person-first language (e.g., “a child with ADHD” instead of “an ADHD child”) helps reduce stigmatization and promotes respectful attitudes within the classroom.
  • Incorporating multicultural perspectives: Introducing diverse cultural experiences into the curriculum allows students to learn about different backgrounds while embracing their own identities.
  • Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles: UDL ensures that instructional materials are accessible to all learners by providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression.

Table – Emotional response evoking example:

Challenges Faced by Students Strategies Implemented
Language barriers Bilingual resources
Physical disabilities Assistive technology
Sensory processing issues Sensory-friendly spaces
Attention deficits Individualized schedules

By adopting these strategies and creating a supportive learning environment where every student feels included and respected, educators pave the way for meaningful academic and social growth. In doing so, they not only enhance students’ educational experiences but also foster a positive school culture that celebrates diversity.

Moving forward, it is essential for educators to provide individualized accommodations and modifications to meet each student’s specific needs. This involves tailoring instructional methods, materials, and assessments to ensure optimal learning outcomes for every learner.

Providing individualized accommodations and modifications

Building upon the creation of a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, educators must also focus on providing individualized accommodations and modifications to meet the unique needs of students with special needs. By tailoring instruction to address specific learning challenges, teachers can enhance educational experiences for these children.

To illustrate the significance of individualized support, consider the case of Emily, a 10-year-old student diagnosed with dyslexia. Despite her intelligence and motivation to learn, Emily struggles with reading comprehension due to difficulties in decoding words accurately. In order to help Emily succeed academically, her teacher implements various accommodations and modifications:

  • Extended time for completing assignments or tests allows Emily more time to process information without feeling rushed.
  • The use of assistive technology tools such as text-to-speech software enables Emily to access written material in an auditory format.
  • Visual aids like graphic organizers are used to help Emily organize her thoughts and improve her understanding of complex concepts.
  • Collaborating with a resource specialist who provides additional support outside the regular classroom setting ensures that Emily receives targeted interventions tailored to her specific needs.

These strategies not only empower students like Emily but also promote inclusivity within classrooms by acknowledging their diverse abilities. Creating an atmosphere where all learners feel supported is crucial for fostering academic growth among students with special needs.

Strategies for Individualized Support
Provide extended time for assignments/tests
Utilize Assistive Technology tools (e.g., text-to-speech software)
Incorporate visual aids such as graphic organizers
Collaboration with resource specialists

In providing individualized accommodations and modifications, teachers play a pivotal role in ensuring that every child’s educational journey remains meaningful and equitable. By recognizing each student’s unique strengths and areas requiring assistance, educators pave the way for successful inclusion within mainstream classrooms. Through personalized approaches tailored specifically to their requirements, children with special needs can unlock their full potential.

As we delve further into Enhancing Education for Children with special needs, it is vital to explore the implementation of multi-sensory teaching methods. By integrating a variety of sensory experiences in instruction, educators can engage students on multiple levels and cater to diverse learning styles without relying solely on verbal or written communication.

Implementing multi-sensory teaching methods

Enhancing Education for Children with Special Needs: Implementing Multi-Sensory Teaching Methods

Building upon the importance of providing individualized accommodations and modifications in special needs education, implementing multi-sensory teaching methods further enhances the learning experience for children with diverse abilities. By engaging multiple senses simultaneously, these strategies facilitate active participation, improve retention, and promote overall academic success. For instance, let us consider a hypothetical case study where a child with dyslexia struggles to grasp reading skills through traditional methods alone. Introducing multi-sensory techniques such as utilizing tactile materials or incorporating movement into reading exercises can help this student better comprehend and retain information.

To fully appreciate the benefits of multi-sensory teaching methods, it is essential to understand their key features:

  1. Sensory integration: These strategies aim to integrate visual, auditory, kinesthetic/tactile, and sometimes olfactory or gustatory elements into instructional activities.
  2. Personalization: Multi-sensory approaches allow educators to tailor instruction according to each student’s unique learning style and preferences.
  3. Engagement: By incorporating hands-on activities and interactive experiences, students are actively engaged in the learning process rather than being passive recipients of information.
  4. Remediation: Multi-sensory techniques focus on addressing specific skill deficits by targeting areas that need improvement while building upon existing strengths.

The effectiveness of these methods has been widely recognized across various disabilities and age groups within special needs education settings. To illustrate this point visually:

Benefits of Multi-Sensory Teaching Methods
Improved engagement
Strengthened cognitive connections
Boosted self-esteem

By embracing multi-sensory teaching methods in special needs classrooms, educational practitioners empower students to learn at their own pace using personalized approaches that cater to their sensory strengths. As we delve deeper into the next section on utilizing visual aids and assistive devices, we can explore additional tools that further support the learning journey for children with diverse abilities.

Utilizing visual aids and assistive devices

Building upon the foundation of implementing Multi-sensory teaching methods, it is essential to further enhance special needs education through the utilization of visual aids and assistive devices. By incorporating these tools into the learning environment, educators can create a more inclusive and engaging educational experience for children with special needs.


To illustrate the effectiveness of visual aids and assistive devices, consider the case study of Sarah, a 10-year-old student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Sarah often struggled to understand complex concepts in math due to her difficulty processing verbal instructions. However, when her teacher introduced visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and manipulatives during math lessons, Sarah’s comprehension improved significantly. The use of these visual supports allowed her to visualize abstract concepts and make connections between different mathematical operations.

  • Increased engagement: Visual aids capture students’ attention by providing a visually stimulating learning experience.
  • Improved comprehension: Assistive devices support understanding by presenting information in alternative formats that cater to individual learning styles.
  • Enhanced memory retention: Visual cues help reinforce information, making it easier for students to recall key concepts later on.
  • Facilitated communication: Using visuals and assistive devices fosters effective communication between students and teachers or peers.
Benefits of Visual Aids and Assistive Devices
Increased engagement
Improved comprehension
Enhanced memory retention
Facilitated communication

Incorporating visual aids and assistive devices has been proven beneficial for students like Sarah. It not only enhances their overall educational experience but also assists them in developing crucial skills necessary for academic success. Moving forward, we will explore another important aspect of special needs education – encouraging peer interaction and collaboration.

Encouraging peer interaction and collaboration

Utilizing visual aids and assistive devices can greatly enhance the educational experience for children with special needs. However, it is equally important to encourage peer interaction and collaboration among these students. By fostering an inclusive learning environment that promotes socialization and cooperation, educators can further support the holistic development of children with special needs.

For instance, let us consider a hypothetical case study of a child named Sarah, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Sarah struggles with verbal communication but excels in visual comprehension. In her classroom, her teacher incorporates the use of visual schedules and pictorial representations to help Sarah navigate through daily activities. Not only does this provide structure and predictability for Sarah, but it also enables her peers to understand her routines better and engage in meaningful interactions by assisting her when needed.

To promote peer interaction and collaboration effectively, educators can implement various strategies:

  • Assigning group projects: Group assignments allow students with special needs to work alongside their typically developing peers, encouraging teamwork and mutual understanding.
  • Implementing cooperative learning techniques: Activities such as think-pair-share or jigsaw puzzles enable students to share ideas and learn from each other’s strengths.
  • Facilitating structured playtime: Allocating time during breaks for organized games or interactive activities encourages socialization between students with different abilities.
  • Promoting empathy and acceptance: Incorporating discussions about disability awareness fosters an atmosphere of inclusion where all students feel valued.

By embracing these strategies, teachers not only create opportunities for academic growth but also nurture emotional intelligence amongst their students. It allows them to develop skills such as empathy, patience, and acceptance at an early age.

In line with creating an inclusive learning environment for children with special needs, offering flexible grouping and seating arrangements becomes imperative. This approach will be discussed in detail in the subsequent section.

Offering flexible grouping and seating arrangements

Encouraging Peer Interaction and Collaboration has proven to be an effective strategy in special needs education, fostering social skills development and promoting inclusive classroom environments. To further enhance the educational experience for children with special needs, offering flexible grouping and seating arrangements is another crucial element that educators can employ.

One compelling example of the benefits of flexible grouping and seating arrangements involves a hypothetical case study of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This student, who struggles with sensory sensitivities and difficulty focusing for extended periods, thrived when placed in a small group setting during math class. The reduced auditory stimuli allowed them to concentrate better on their tasks while also providing opportunities for peer interaction and learning from others. By accommodating this student’s individual needs through flexible grouping, they were able to actively engage in lessons, develop essential academic skills, and build relationships with classmates.

  • Encourages inclusivity by ensuring all students feel valued and engaged.
  • Fosters cooperation and empathy as students learn to work collaboratively.
  • Enhances communication skills through interactions with diverse peers.
  • Promotes self-confidence as students gain recognition for their contributions.

Additionally, incorporating a three-column table reinforces the significance of this strategy:

Positive Effects Student Perspective Teacher Perspective
Increased engagement Feeling included Enhanced classroom management
Improved teamwork Building friendships Facilitating differentiated instruction
Better problem-solving abilities Developing social skills Creating positive learning environment
Strengthened sense of belonging Gaining confidence Individualized support

By utilizing these strategies effectively, educators can create dynamic learning environments that cater not only to students’ academic needs but also their overall well-being. In doing so, teachers promote holistic growth while fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity among all learners.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Using technology to enhance learning experiences,” educators can explore innovative methods that leverage technology as an additional tool for supporting special needs education.

Using technology to enhance learning experiences

Enhancing Education Through Technology Integration

Transitioning from offering flexible grouping and seating arrangements, another effective strategy in special needs education is the use of technology to enhance learning experiences. Incorporating various technological tools into classrooms can provide students with disabilities additional support and opportunities for engagement. For instance, consider a hypothetical case study where a student with visual impairments uses screen reading software to access digital textbooks and educational materials independently.

Technology integration offers numerous benefits for special needs education. Firstly, it helps facilitate personalized instruction by allowing educators to tailor content based on individual student requirements. With the aid of assistive technologies such as text-to-speech or speech-to-text software, students who struggle with reading or writing can receive tailored support. In addition, interactive multimedia platforms enable multi-sensory learning experiences that cater to diverse learning styles.

To further emphasize the advantages of technology integration in special needs education, we present a bullet-point list showcasing its positive impact:

  • Increased accessibility: Technological tools make educational resources more accessible to students with disabilities.
  • Enhanced engagement: Interactive multimedia elements grab students’ attention and promote active participation.
  • Improved independence: Assistive technologies empower students to learn autonomously without constant supervision.
  • Expanded communication avenues: Digital devices allow individuals with communication difficulties to express themselves effectively.

Incorporating technology into special needs education goes beyond just using individual devices; it involves creating an inclusive digital environment that fosters collaboration and supports all learners. The following table demonstrates how different aspects of technology integration contribute to enhancing education for children with diverse needs:

Aspect Impact Example
Accessible apps Enable equal access to educational resources A visually impaired student utilizing Braille
Adaptive software Personalize instruction An autistic learner engaging with social stories
Online platforms Facilitate remote learning A student participating in virtual classroom
Assistive devices Support students with physical disabilities A student using a wheelchair accessing the web

By continuously adapting instruction to meet diverse needs, educators can ensure that children with special needs receive an inclusive education. The subsequent section will explore this crucial aspect of special needs education.

With technology integration enhancing learning experiences, it is essential for educators to understand the importance of continuously adapting instruction to meet diverse needs.

Continuously adapting instruction to meet diverse needs

Enhancing Education for Children with Special Needs: Continuously Adapting Instruction to Meet Diverse Needs

Building upon the previous section’s exploration of using technology to enhance learning experiences, this section delves into the importance of continuously adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs of children with special needs. By employing a range of strategies and approaches tailored to individual students, educators can foster an inclusive environment that promotes optimal learning outcomes.

For instance, consider the case of Sarah, a 10-year-old student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sarah thrives in a structured and visually supportive setting but often struggles with focus during whole-class lessons. To accommodate her unique needs, her teacher incorporates several instructional adaptations. These include breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps, providing visual cues and schedules, incorporating hands-on activities, and allowing frequent movement breaks. Such modifications enable Sarah to actively engage in her learning process while maximizing her potential for success.

To facilitate continuous adaptation and ensure effective education for all children with special needs, educators can employ various strategies:

  1. Differentiated Instruction: This approach involves tailoring teaching methods, materials, and assessments based on individual learners’ abilities and interests. By offering multiple avenues for understanding concepts or demonstrating knowledge, teachers encourage students to learn at their own pace effectively.

  2. Collaborative Learning: Creating opportunities for peer interaction fosters socialization skills as well as academic growth among students with special needs. Group projects allow them to develop communication skills while benefiting from shared perspectives.

  3. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): UDL principles advocate designing educational environments that are accessible to all learners by proactively addressing potential barriers. Providing multiple means of representation, action/expression, and engagement ensures inclusivity within classrooms.

  4. Positive Behavior Support: A proactive approach focused on preventing challenging behaviors through reinforcement techniques encourages positive conduct among students with special needs. Establishing clear expectations combined with specific praise and rewards helps create a supportive learning environment.

To illustrate the impact of these strategies, consider the following table showcasing three case studies:

Case Study Student Profile Strategy Employed Outcome
1 Alex, a third-grade student with dyslexia Differentiated Instruction Improved reading comprehension skills
2 Maria, a high school student with visual impairments Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Enhanced accessibility to course materials
3 John, a fifth-grade student with emotional disturbances Positive Behavior Support Reduced frequency of disruptive behaviors

By embracing continuous adaptation in instruction through these strategies, educators can unlock the potential within each child. Through differentiation, collaboration, UDL principles, and positive behavior support, classrooms become spaces where all students feel valued and empowered to succeed academically and socially.

In conclusion, continuously adapting instruction is crucial in enhancing education for children with special needs. By employing various strategies tailored to individual learners’ unique requirements and abilities, educators foster an inclusive environment that promotes optimal learning outcomes. Through differentiated instruction, collaborative learning experiences, universal design for learning principles, and positive behavior support techniques – such as those employed in real-life cases like Sarah’s – students are provided opportunities to thrive both academically and emotionally.

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